When I was a kid playing with my Hot Wheels cars (toy of choice unless you count books), I fantasized about having a (red) sports car some day and, better yet, a convertible. Of course, growing up in New York didn't exactly make owning a convertible a practical dream, but it was a dream. A dream which eventually followed me to the sunny and impossibly warm ("hotter than the mouth of hell" to quote my dad's first impression) heart of South Texas.
My 30th birthday present to myself (which pooped out last April at barely 86K miles and almost 20 years if you are keeping up) was a convertible, of course. One of my happiest memories is driving the car to Florida for the 1996 Christmas holidays (trusty copilot Mari safely ensconced in the passenger seat for two thrillingly long days) and surprising my dad, who was a bit of a car enthusiast himself, but who always thought a convertible was an impractical (stupid) car to own.

I want to indulge in a moment to highly recommend The Channel Road Inn, a 5-minute walk to Will Rogers State Beach in Santa Monica. We were treated better than family at this beautiful B&B and made to feel as special as a 50th birthday celebration warranted. I was actually welcomed with a birthday card and warm chocolate chip cookies!
Much to Mari's disappointment, she learned long ago that a vacation for me is about being out and about checking one landmark, museum, church, concert, Broadway show, restaurant and/or hot dog (and/or meatloaf) off my travel list (don't forget fleamarkets!) and not about lounging around in a hotel no matter how cozy. You can sleep and relax when you get on the plane and return home. I must admit, though, that The Channel Road Inn did certainly invite rest and relaxation and I would love to return some day just for that.
Visit the inviting site to be sufficiently tempted.
Sorry, must be present for warm cookies (and smiles) and evening wine & cheese.

Ask me about the 734 square foot luxury suite at the Austin Renaissance Hotel for all of $1.34 last month if you are wondering about hotels.com rewards, too.

Not surprisingly, as you can see, not too many people on the beach on a Tuesday morning to admire my 50-year-old beach bod.
Their loss.
A few hours, a few dips in a very refreshing Pacific Ocean, and a few snapshots of our well-rested tootsies, and we were off to not spend our day relaxing at the inn.
Channeling my inner rebel next time.
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